Vladimír Kiseljov
Painter, performer, set designer, director and writer.
Graduate of SŠUŘ Brno, JAMU Brno and Kunstuniversität Graz.
He has realized over 100 solo exhibitions – including the International Biennale of Modern Art in Florence, Prague Quadrennial 2015 (the largest international exhibition of scenography), in Berlin, Vienna, Leipzig, Edinburgh, Copenhagen, Munich, Linz, 3 times in Prague at the Gallery of Critics, in Brno at Wannieck and Richard Adam Gallery, Academy of Arts, Palazzo Cosimo Ridolfi, Florence IT etc.
He also dedicates himself to the creation of murals (in 2015 he painted the largest mural in the Czech Republic with an area of 600 m2 in Tišnov, Brno). Other murals of his can be found in Florence, Copenhagen, Edinburgh or Prague.
In 2018, he was awarded the “Goldene W” prize for his artistic and scientific endeavour associated with the work of Richard Wagner.
In 2018, together with the Macl + Luňáková team, he took part in the international theater festival in Casablanca, Morocco, with a painting performance combined with projections, winning the award for interaction.
He has written and published two books with his paintings and texts – The Mysteries of Richard Wagner in Paintings (2013) and The Mysteries Inscribed in Faces (2019).
Vladimír Kiseljov’s expressive paintings aim to convey his synesthetic perception of the world – the author perceives music and all other sensorial perceptions in color, thus connecting all the senses of the viewer with his paintings – colors, philosophical meaning, music, movement, space and time.
He is the author of his own artistic current – Synesthetics.
He carries out unique musical- painting performances together with excellent musicians (Hansjörg Albrecht, Milan Al Ashab, Michael Bártek, Eduard Šístek, Ludmila Pavlová, Petr Kolař, Jaroslav Svěcený, Jan Ryant Dřízal, etc.)
His exhibitions are curated by Mgr. Vlasta Čiháková Noshiro Ph.D., Aleš Seifert, Alena Ochepovsky Bartková, Jiří Tichý and others.
Among the admirers of his work stands out the noble lady Meda Mládková from the Kampa Museum.
MgA. Vladimír Kiseljov
*27.2. 1984, Czech Republic

Selection from more than 100 picture exhibitions
2021 Academy of Arts, Palazzo Cosimo Ridolfi, Florence IT
2021 Palazzo Vendramin, Venice IT
2021 Galerie v Domě Gustava Mahlera, Jihlava
2020 Galerie Portheimka, Praha
2020 Muzeum Hradec Králové
2020 Galerie Gustava Mahlera, Jihlava
2020 Galerie Vrtbovská zahrada, Praha
2020 Galerie Filharmonie Hradec Králové
2020 Galerie Literární kavárny, Praha
2019 Künstlerhaus Gallery, München
2019 Volkshaus Gallery, Linz
2019 Engin´s Ponte Gallery, Bayreuth
2019 Městská knihovna, Praha
2019 Galerie Goethe, Mariánské lázně
2019 Galerie a Muzeum Česká lípa
2019 Galerie v Kavárně Lucerna, Praha
2019 Galerie Divadla pod Palmovkou, Praha
2019 Staré purkrabství, Vyšehrad, Praha
2019 Galerie Městské knihovny, Hradec Králové
2019 Galerie Otakara Kubína, Boskovice
2019 Galerie Josefa Jambora, Tišnov
2019 Galerie divadla bez Zábradlí, Praha
2018 Petrof Gallery, Hradec Králové
2018 International Theatre Festival, Casablanca
2018 Richard- Wagner-Kongress, Innsbruck
2018 Galerie Titanium, Brno
2018 Galerie co hledá jméno, Praha
2018 Galerie Viniční Altán Grébovka, Praha
2018 Rentzova galerie, Kuks
2017 Aukce výtvarného umění v Topičově Salonu, Praha
2017 Galerie Kryt, Klášterec nad Ohří
2017 Herderkirche, Weimar
2017 Galerie Radnice Brno-Sever
2017 Copenhagen Academy, Copenhagen
2017 Galerie Velryba, Praha
2017 Galerie Klicperova divadla, Hradec Králové
2017 Galerie Café Lajka, Praha
2017 Audi Exclusive Gallery, Bratislava
2017 Galerie Artičok, Hradec Králové
2016 Galerii kritiků, Praha
2016 Galerie Barceló Palace Hotelu, Brno
2016 Artis Galerie, Bayreuth
2016 Herz Jesu Kirche, München
2016 Galerie Klicperova divadla, Hradec Králové
2016 Nová Galerie, Praha
2016 Galerie Arthotelu Les Palais, Praha
2016 Galerie Státního ústav jaderné bezpečnosti, Praha
2016 Česká televize – Muž který maluje hudbu
2016 Dům Umění – YOUNG ART SHOW, Piešťany
2015 Galerie Goethe, Městské Muzeum, Mariánské Lázně
2015 Richard Adam Gallery (Fait Gallery), Brno
2015 Nástěnná malba o ploše 600m2 -vlakové nádraží, Tišnov
2015 Michaeliskirche, Leipzig
2014 Galerie des ONLINE-MERKER, Wien
2014 Risorseria Gallery, Florence
2014 Česká televize- Tečka páteční noci, Brno
2014 Katedrála Petrov, Brno
2014 Galerie Platinium, Brno
2014 Galerie Artistico, Wien
2013 Academy of Music, Edinburgh
2013 Smetanův dům – Píseň Písní, Litomyšl
2013 Richard-Wagner-Kongress, Leipzig
2013 Nikolaikirche, Leipzig
2013 Kleine Galerie, Bayreuth
2013 St. Pauls Kathedral, Strassbourg
2013 Tertianum Gallery, Berlin
2013 Besední dům, Brno
2013 Nová radnice – Křížová chodba, Brno
2013 Galerie Jindřišská věž, Praha
2012 Painting symposium, Zadar
2011 Galerie Hochschule für Telekomunikation, Leipzig
2010 Galerie města Trutnova
2010 Galerie Skleněná louka, Brno
2010 Galerie Katakomby (Husa na provázku), Brno
2009 International Biennale of Modern Art, Florence
2009 Vila Settemerli, Florence
2009 Galerie Kritiků, Palác Adria, Praha
2009 Galerie Kavárny Velryba, Praha
2009 International Richard-Wagner-Kongress, Dresden
2008 Divadlo Reduta, Národní Divadlo – R. Wagner – Parsifal, Brno
It is the artistic movement that I myself founded, named and in which I create my work.
My paintings express my complex synesthetic perception of the world – I perceive music and all other perceptions in color, connecting with my paintings all the senses of the viewer – colors, philosophical meaning, music, movement, space and time. My work is very deeply reasoned and experienced on a daily basis through an authentic inner path, transformed into a work of art which is strong and radiates positive energy: My insight into the mechanisms that govern the world.
I connect, with a singular spirit, all senses and perceptions into a single stream, which I uncompromisingly direct to the inside of the viewer, whose perception, feeling and consciousness I try to awaken and expand.
In the name of my artistic movement, I combine the term Synesthesia – a unifying connection of all the senses, the color perception of music (from the Greek syn- = connection and aesthesis = feeling, perception) – and Aestheticism, the need to bring true and spiritual beauty, emotion into the world.
With my work I create a harmony of spheres, unity and love.
I harmonize and unite philosophical, verbal, musical, spatial, movement and color meanings into one stream – by which I form their unity and concordance, not the contradiction and separation in which they are often found for common people in the outside world. Naturally, with my work I connect people with separate fields, since I have been for long the subject of my study and I experience their connections and harmony both physically and mentally.
It is with my work in the form of paintings, murals, theater performances, opera librettos and their directing and scenography, that I try to pass to people this current that flows from me.
I have been developing – and literally living – these themes of my work since I was born, inasmuch as I perceive the world this way. I write my sketches and themes every day, elaborate them, connect them and finally portray them in my paintings. I often paint many themes repeatedly and each time in a different context, in a more widespread broad framework or, conversely, in an independent way, aiming for the simplest and purest form possible.
It is my own form of fulfilling the ideal of a collective work of art – Gesamtkunstwerk.
I create these works with acrylic paints either in horizontal form on the ground, dribbling and splashing paints – or in vertical form by painting with a brush on a canvas – or their gradual combination, sometimes using glitter, mirror foil, plexiglass, etc. At my openings I always communicate with the audience and provide them with an interpretation of my paintings, thus illuminating compelling stories, symbols and all possible connections that may be contained in them.